CS@SC Summer Camps

The CS@SC Summer Camps are designed to provide students with an early education into computer science, engineering, and applied physical science, which are not typically covered in formal K12 curricula. The camps are primarily targeting girls, under-represented ethnicities (Hispanic, African American, and Native American), and low income families. To encourage a sense of diversity, which is the reality of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields, the camps are open to all ethnicities, income backgrounds, and genders. Since conception in summer 2015, we have educated over 7,000 K12 students in computer science!
While CS@SC is open to all boys and girls, we have a particular interest in encouraging the education of girls in the computer field. The national average for girls who receive a degree for Computer Science is 22%. USC's Viterbi School of Engineering has reached an even parity with 50% women in the incoming freshmen class, which is among the highest in the nation.
With CS@SC, we want to encourage girls to take an endeavor and learn more about the computer field so that they have an opportunity to know more about a field that is becoming popular to younger students. Since these fields do not have any inherent advantages based on gender, there is no reason the field should not support an equal population of girls and boys.
CS@SC is looking to raise $300,000 to continue supporting our program throughout the year. Any amount we receive is appreciated.
Please consider donating and helping to support our program.