USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI)
The USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI) is a world leader in research in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI), networking and cyber security, and informatics, as well as the development of advanced information processing, space systems, and computer and communications technologies. Through hands-on learning, our students are able to participate at every stage of advanced research at USC.
The research our students and faculty are conducting in AI 4 Health has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by enabling more precise and personalized care, improving treatment outcomes, and reducing costs. Our student and faculty researchers have begun exploring a broad range of applications, including but not limited to, medical imaging analysis, such as detecting cancer in mammograms or analyzing brain scans to diagnose neurological disorders; electronic health record (EHR) analysis, such as predicting patient outcomes or identifying high-risk patients for preventive interventions; drug discovery and development, such as identifying new drug targets or predicting the efficacy and toxicity of potential therapies; and health behavior monitoring and intervention, which includes developing personalized interventions to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors or adherence to medication regimens.
By making a gift today in support of ISI, your support will allow our ISI faculty to hire undergraduate students to work alongside faculty and doctoral students and contribute to these life-changing and impactful research opportunities.
Please make a gift today in support of the Information Sciences Institute at USC. Only with your partnership will our students be able to obtain the knowledge and skills to make positive changes on a global scale and find ways to Engineer a Better World for All Humanity.