USC Jerry and Nancy Neely Leadership and Ethics Center


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Founded in 2015 by USC Trustee Jerry Neely and his wife Nancy, the Neely Center for Ethical Leadership aims to solve one of the most difficult, but most important, challenges of our time: how to align emerging technologies – from simple algorithms to artificial intelligence (AI) – with ethical, human-centered values. Recognizing the significant impact that advanced technology and computing have on society, The Center actively integrates technology and computing into its research initiatives. This is not limited to business or consumer behavior studies, but also includes government, healthcare, and the non-profit sector.

One way the Neely Center is improving research in advanced technology is by exploring the ethical implications of emerging tech such as AI, machine learning, and big data.

Collaborating across USC as well as with other academic institutions, the Neely Center is well-positioned to play a critical role in addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by emerging technologies. Students are encouraged to participate in this research through assistantships to faculty members and through their direct participation in conferences and symposia.

Your donation of any size advances knowledge, develops leaders, promotes equitable business practices, invites community engagement, and fosters collaboration across sectors. Thank you in advance for partnering with the Neely Center for Ethical Leadership to promote forward-thinking, human leadership and decision-making in a rapidly evolving technology landscape.

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